ACT environment

Proceeding 27561  Register

Application status: Complete

Decision 27561-D01-2023 issued June 9, 2023

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The AUC has partially approved applications from RES Forty Mile Wind GP Corp. to amend, construct and operate a wind power plant designated as the Forty Mile Wind Power Project and the Forty Mile 516S Substation, located in the Bow Island area. The balance of turbines not approved are within five nautical miles (9.26 kilometres) of the Bow Island Airport and will be discussed in a subsequent decision. The approved turbines are listed in the table below:

Table 1. Approved turbines

Phase Turbines
Phase 1 T11, T12, T13, T24, T25, T26, T27, T28, T31, T32, T33, T34, T35, T36, T37, T38, T39, T40, T41, T42, T43, T44, T45, T46, T47, T48, T49
Phase 2 T104, T112, T113, T115, T116, T127, T128, T129, T59, T78, T81, T83, T85, T86, T87, T88, T90, T91, T92, T95, T96



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Documents being considered in this proceeding can be found in the eFiling​ System (which requires log in). Once you have logged in, enter 27561 in the “go to” section at the top left corner of your screen.

Forty Mile Wind Power Project