ACT environment

Access to the eFiling System

The eFiling System is an electronic filing tool used to access, manage, search and upload documents

Current rates and terms and conditions

The AUC sets regulated utility rates to ensure customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates

Decisions and notices

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Recently issued decisions, notices, approvals and filtered lists of recent facility and water decisions are available on our website. The full listing of regulatory documents should be accessed through the eFiling System

News, announcements & bulletins

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Updates to upcoming Rule 007 consultation sessions

The AUC is currently conducting a review of Rule 007, previously set out in Bulletin 2024-08. As part of the broader Rule 007 consultation process, the AUC will be hosting a series of upcoming virtual and in-person working sessions on specific topics.

The Rule 007 consultation sessions are intended to be targeted, productive working sessions and will be facilitated by AUC staff. Each session will be moderated. Specific projects previously, currently, or potentially before the AUC will not be discussed, and any references to specific projects will be redirected.

Interested parties wishing to comment on changes to Rule 007 have an opportunity to submit their views in writing through the Rule 007 AUC Engage page should they choose not participate in the offered sessions. The deadline for written submissions is September 3, 2024.

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AUC consultation on Rule 007 and enhanced interim information requirements

The AUC is conducting a review of Rule 007 and is initiating a series of consultations on specific topics.

As this review considers many topics, the AUC is running multiple streams of consultation. The AUC has also enhanced its Rule 007 interim information requirements.

More information about the Rule 007 consultation and enhanced interim information requirements can be found in Bulletin 2024-08.

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Amendments to Rule 027

The AUC has approved amendments to Rule 027Specified Penalties for Contravention of Reliability Standards, with an effective date of April 17, 2024. 

Since the previous amendment to Rule 027, reliability standards COM-001-AB-3 and COM-002-AB-4 came into effect and the previous versions of those two reliability standards were retired. Certain requirements of each reliability standard were assigned a penalty Category 2 and others assigned a penalty Category 3.

All materials related to Rule 027, including a blackline version of the changes, can be found on the Consultations page of the AUC’s website.

Upcoming hearings & events