ACT environment

The AUC requires regulated utilities to quarterly and annually provide a detailed service quality report that provides extensive information and reporting about utility-specific energy outages and customer service standards. It also ensures that customers are ​treated fairly.

Regulated utilities are expected to perform within strict standards set by the AUC, contained in two AUC rules: ​Rule 002: Service Quality and Reliability Performance Monitoring and Reporting for Owners of Electric Distribution Systems and for Gas Distributors and Rule 003: Service Quality Reporting​ for Energy Service Providers. AUC staff ​​review these reports and meet with utility officials at least once annually to discuss utility performance, including customer complaints, and investigate shortcomings if they occur. When necessary an enforcement proceeding can be initiated to deal with sub-par performance.​

Reporting on pre-determined metrics about utilities’ service quality and reliability is an effective way for the AUC to monitor service levels, provide the public with information about service levels, establish future performance targets and to implement penalties for poor performance if necessary.

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Rule 002

Rule 003

Rural electrification association(s)

The Battle River Power Coop, EQUS REA Ltd., and North Parkland Power on a volunteer basis, prepared and provided the AUC the electric distribution system’s reliability and performance metrics in the reporting manner outlined in Rule 002. The rural electrification associations have requested that these reports be made available for viewing on the AUC’s website. These reports are being posted for information purposes only. The AUC has not verified the contents of these reports.