ACT environment

A market participant cannot share records that are not available to the public. This includes any past, current, or future price and quantity offer made to the power pool or for any service necessary to support the transmission of electric power from seller to purchaser.

The Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation that restricts the sharing of records also allows for exceptions that allow for preferential sharing of records in some circumstances. The regulation (in Section 3(2)) also allows the Commission to approve preferential record sharing requests.

When records can be shared

  • Between market participants who are affiliates of each other.
  • Between market participants 60 days after the price and quantity offer was made to the power pool or for the provision of ancillary services.
  • By a market participant with a broker, brokerage, forward exchange or person who prepares a price index for the purpose of, or related to, trading electricity, electric energy, electricity services or ancillary services.
  • By a market participant with the independent system operator (in Alberta, the role and obligations of the independent system operator are fulfilled by the Alberta Electric System Operator) or the Market Surveillance Administrator.
  • By a market participant with another person, where required or permitted to do so by any enactment, except an independent system operator rule.
  • By a market participant with another person, where required or permitted to do so by an ISO rule, but only to the extent that sharing is for the sole purpose of financial settlement.
  • Pursuant to an agreement or arrangement approved by the independent system operator before the coming into force of the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation, for a period of one year after the coming into force of the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation or until the expiry or termination of the agreement or arrangement, whichever is earlier.
  • When approved and shared in accordance with a Commission approval order.

How to request an approval order from the Commission

  • Market participants requesting approval to share records must file an application with the AUC using the eFiling System. The application needs to be registered as a Records Sharing proceeding type with the Market Oversight and Enforcement D​ivision to ensure that the applications is handled with sensitivity around the confidential nature of these types of applications.
  • The application must demonstrate that the information shared will not be used for any purpose that does not support the fair, efficient and openly competitive operation of the market, and that the sharing of preferential records is reasonably necessary for the market participant to carry out its business.
  • Review the minimum filing requirements.​
  • Review previous decisions regarding preferential record sharing applications to understand the process and identify possible areas of interest when the Commission is considering an application.
  • Accurately and clearly describe the flow of information contemplated in the preferential record sharing agreement between the parties.
  • When the expiry date for a preferential record sharing agreement is approaching, ensure there is enough lead-time for the Commission to process any new information such as a new application or an amended agreement.
  • Review the AUC process for reviewing preferential record sharin​g applications​.​

​If you require any assistance with filing your application or with finding active and historic applications in the eFiling System please contact or 403-592-4500.