ACT environment

Planning your micro-generation project

Where can I find my site ID?

You can find the unique Site ID assigned to your service on your electricity bill.

What are aggregated sites?

Aggregated sites are explained in the Micro-Generation Regulation, Section 1(1), as follows:

1(1) In this Regulation,

(a.1) “aggregated sites” means 2 or more sites that are​

(i) located on property that is owned or leased by the
same customer,
(ii) connected to a single electric distribution system feeder owned by
one electric distribution system owner, and
(iii) either

(A) enrolled with the same retailer, with each site charged at the same
rate for the supply of electric energy, or
(B) enrolled with the same regulated rate provider, with each site
charged at a regulated rate under a regulated rate tariff referred to in
section 103 of the Act for the supply of electric energy;

In accordance with the Micro-Generation Regulation, micro-generation owners should size their generators to match the consumption at their aggregated sites.

What is an adjacent site?

An adjacent site is a property separated by an easement, property line, or a public right-of-way (e.g., roadway). As stated in Subsection 1(1.1) of the Micro-Generation Regulation:
(1.1) For greater certainty, properties that are separated only by an easement or a public
right of way are adjacent for the purposes of subsection (1)(h)(v)(B).

Subsection 1(1)(h) provides:

(h) “micro-generation generating unit” means a generating unit of a customer that
(iv) supplies electric energy only to a site that is located on property that the
customer owns or leases, and
(v) is located

(A) on the property referred to in subclause (iv), or
(B) on property that the customer owns or leases that is adjacent to the
property referred to in subclause (iv);

I am planning on increasing my energy needs in the next few years. Can I build a micro-generation system which produces more than I need now?

The Micro-Generation Regulation stipulates that a micro-generation generating unit is intended to meet all or a portion of the customer’s total annual energy consumption at the customer’s site or aggregated sites for their existing annual energy needs. Proponents interested in expanding or adding to their micro-generation will be required to submit a new micro-generation application when they plan to increase their generation in the future.

However, in order to consider these plans in evaluating your micro-generation application distribution facility owners (DFO) require evidence that any future plans for increasing your load will proceed. Examples of such evidence could include approved development permits, proof of purchase/installation for new equipment, engineered drawings, proof of purchase or registration of an electric vehicle, or other substantive supporting documents. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Billing and settlement

What will my electricity bill look like after I install my micro-generation generating unit?

After you install a micro-generation generating unit, you will still receive an electricity bill. Your electricity bill will continue to include your distribution and transmission tariff charges as well as the cost for energy consumed. Credits for energy that you produce to the distribution grid will be applied to your electricity bill. All fees including distribution charges, transmission charges, local access fee, delivery charges and balancing pool allocations will still be incorporated in the proponent’s monthly bill. You will only receive credits for the energy that you produce which is in excess of consumption over a given billing interval. Further details on micro-generation compensation can be found in Section 7 of the Micro-Generation Regulation.

Why does the amount of energy that I produced not match the amount of energy that my retailer is crediting me for?

The retailer is only measuring the amount of energy that you export to the grid. If you use some of the energy that you produce, it does not make it back to the grid to be sold. You will only receive credits for the energy that you produce which is in excess of consumption over a given billing interval. ​

Will I see a decline in my demand charges?

There are several factors that are used to calculate your demand charges which are regionally and rate-class specific. Contact your retailer for further information.​

Will my distribution charges be lower?

There are several factors that are used to calculate your distribution tariff charges. Generally, installation of a micro-generation generating unit can have an effect on the calculations which are regionally and rate-class specific. Contact your Wires Owner for further information. ​

Timelines for micro-generation projects

How long will my micro-generation project take?

Distribution facility owners across Alberta work with the micro-generation generating unit owner to progress their project towards energization. The timeline for a micro-generation project depends on a number of site‑specific factors including the review of the application, interconnection studies, and safe installation of the meter. There are many requirements for all projects that need to be submitted to the Wires Owner as work is being done for the customer. Formal submission of all required information in advance of the project helps keep your project on track. For further details, please see the Micro-generation notice submission guideline on the AUC website​.


Are there any additional requirements for a backup generator with a micro-generation generating unit?

Backup generation can be added. Please contact the utility for any additional requirements.​

Does a micro-generation generating unit owner or DFO need to submit a System Access Service Request (SASR) to the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)?

If there is a Supply Transmission Service (STS) change then, yes, a System Access Service Request (SASR) will be needed. The distribution facility owner (DFO) will determine whether a SASR is required once the application is received. If required, it is the DFO’s responsibility to submit the SASR to the AESO on the micro-generation owner’s behalf.

Where can I get more information?

For further information, please visit the webpages below:​

AUC Micro-generation

Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate