ACT environment

​Gas utilities require AUC approval to construct and operate new gas utility pipelines (defined in the Gas Utility Act and distinct from pipelines governed by the Alberta Energy Regulator). When considering an application for a new gas utility pipeline, the Commission must determine if approval of the proposed pipeline is in the public interest having regard for its social, economic and environmental effects. The Commission considers applications to construct and operate transmission pipelines.

The issues typically considered in gas utility pipeline decisions include:

  • Routing – includes route development, route choice (preferred vs alternative), transportation utility. corridors, Environment – includes wildlife, plants, native prairie, water and water crossings.
  • Health and safety – includes risk assessment, pipeline design, leak detection, emergency response plan.
  • Property impacts – includes property value, agricultural impacts, business impacts, future development impacts.
  • First Nations – includes consultation, impacts to constitutional rights.
  • Economic impacts – includes need, rate impacts, cost and other economic impacts.
  • Uncontested – applications with no outstanding objections, or objections were received and the AUC determined that the parties did not meet the test for standing.

Decisions for reference