ACT environment

The Micro-Generation Regulation allowsindividuals and various entities to apply to the Commission for approval to generate electricity on a small scale, that exclusively uses sources of renewable and alternative energy, to meet their electricity needs and receive credit for any excess electricity delivered to the electricity grid. To become a micro-generator, an individual must apply to their distribution company to get approval to connect and operate a generating unit that meets the five criteria set out in section 1(1)(h) of the Micro-Generation Regulation, including the size of the unit and generation source (maximum five megawatts, and renewable or alternative energy). 

The issues typically considered in micro-generation facility decisions include:

  • Whether micro-generation criteria met – whether power plant meets Micro-generation Regulation criteria.
  • Consultation – includes adequacy, scope of consultation with landowners, other interested parties.
  • Property impacts – includes property value, agricultural impacts, business impacts, future development impacts.
  • Uncontested – applications with no outstanding objections, or objections were received and the AUC determined that the parties did not meet the test for standing.

Decisions for reference