ACT environment

What is micro-generation?

Micro-generation is the small-scale production of electricity, using renewable or alternative energy sources, by homeowners and small businesses to meet their electricity needs. Homeowners and small businesses that produce power for their own use are called micro-generators.

Excess energy that micro-generators produce and don’t use is sent to the electrical power grid for other customers to use. The micro-generator receives credits for the excess electricity sent to the electrical power grid. Delivery charges are still charged to sites generating electricity when electricity from outside sources is consumed at the site, but the delivery charges are only billed for the electricity from outside sources and not the electricity generated and consumed at the site.

AUC’s role in micro-generation

The AUC oversees the implementation of the Micro-Generation Regulation, and has developed processes and rules to simplify approvals and interconnection agreements with customers and wire service providers.

The AUC does not approve individual micro-generation sites. Your wire service provider, also called the distribution service provider, will approve or deny your notice to become a micro-generator. If there is a dispute or complaint between you and the wire service provider it can be referred to the AUC. More information on this can be found in the Micro-generation notice submission guideline.
