Proceeding 27417  Register

Application status: complete

Decision 27417-D01-2023 issued June 12, 2023

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The Alberta Utilities Commission has denied applications from the City of Medicine Hat (the City) to construct and operate a new substation and to alter and redesignate an existing transmission line. The City’s applications are not in the public interest as its site selection process is deficient in that it does not meet the mandatory minimum information requirements of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines and the City inconsistently applied its own site selection criteria.

The map below identifies the applied-for routes by the City of Medicine Hat, which includes a preferred route and an alternate route, both of which were denied in this proceeding. 

The eFiling System​

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Documents being considered in this proceeding can be found in the eFiling​ System (which requires log in). Once you have logged in, enter 27417 in the “go to” section at the top left corner of your screen.

MHS-11 Substation Project