Proceeding 27486  Register

Application status: complete

Decision 27486-D01-2023 issued April 20, 2023

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The Alberta Utilities Commission denies applications from Foothills Solar GP Inc. to construct and operate a 150-megawatt solar power plant, designated as the Foothills Solar Power Plant, and a substation, designated as the Prairie Sun 1037S Substation.

Foothills Solar submitted that the project would be in the public interest for a variety of reasons, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other local economic benefits, and the Commission found that approval of the project could result in some positive socioeconomic benefits for Cold Lake First Nations and a commensurate potential to facilitate reconciliation between the Crown and Cold Lake First Nations as Indigenous peoples. However, the potential for the project to result in high bird mortalities, and the impacts of the project on the Frank Lake IBA and the social and environmental values that it represents are unacceptable. As a Foothills Solar Project Foothills Solar GP Inc. Decision 27486-D01-2023 (April 20, 2023) 20 result, the Commission is not satisfied that the overall benefits of the project outweigh its negative impacts. The Commission finds that approval of the applications is not in the public interest and therefore denies the applications.

The map below identifies the applied-for area by the Foothills Solar GP Inc., which includes the project boundary and substation location which was considered in this proceeding.

Summarized process schedule

The AUC has established the following process to consider the applications:

Process step Deadline date
Applicant’s information requests to G. Wagner concerning his updated evidence December 9, 2022
Applicant’s reply evidence deadline (except for environmental matters) December 9, 2022
Virtual hearing test session December 13, 2022, at 10 a.m.
G. Wagner’s deadline to respond to information requests December 13, 2022
Applicant’s deadline to respond to information requests December 16, 2022
Commencement of virtual hearing January 9, 2023, at 10 a.m.

The eFiling System​

The eFiling System should be accessed to view the applications and the other documents the AUC will be considering in this proceeding. The system is also used to file submissions and evidence to participate in the proceeding.

To create an account, select “New account” and follow the steps to create a user ID and password. If you have any questions about how to use the system please contact us at or 310-4AUC.

Documents being considered in this proceeding can be found in the eFiling​ System (which requires log in). Once you have logged in, enter 27486 in the “go to” section at the top left corner of your screen.

Foothills Solar Project