ACT environment

The construction and operation of a power generation facility requires an application to the Commission under section 11 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act. ​Power plant decisions are grouped below by generation source: (i) thermal energy (includes coal and natural gas); (ii) wind energy; (iii) solar energy; (iv) hydro energy; and (v) other (includes biomass, waste heat, etc.).

The issues typically considered in power generation facility decisions include:

  • Consultation – includes adequacy, scope of consultation with landowners, other interested parties.
  • Property impacts – includes property value, agricultural impacts, business impacts, future development impacts.
  • Health and safety – includes electromagnetic fields (EMF), emergency response plan, icing and fogging, human health impacts, shadow flicker.
  • Siting – includes choice of location, proposed alternatives.
  • Environment – includes emissions, wildlife, plants, native prairie, water and water crossings.
  • Noise  includes noise impact assessment, post construction monitoring.
  • First Nations – includes consultation, impacts to constitutional rights.
  • Uncontested – applications with no outstanding objections, or objections were received and the AUC determined that the parties did not meet the test for standing.

Decisions for reference