ACT environment

The AUC ensures landowners are respected as utility companies meet their obligations in planning, developing and operating utility infrastructure.

Landowners and anyone who has a right to use the land who may be directly and adversely affected by AUC decisions on utility matters have an opportunity to have their concerns heard and understood.

Affected landowners have a right to participate in proceedings regarding the development of utility infrastructure, including generation development hat may have an impact on them, or their land.

In its proceedings the AUC examines and weighs the approaches suggested by utility infrastructure developers (electric utility, generation and consumer natural gas pipeline firms) on how projects will be developed:

  • What types of land access (temporary or permanent) will be required.
  • How landowners will be notified of access to their land.
  • Conditions required of utility firms around their entry onto private land.
  • Measures that must be taken during construction to avoid the spread of noxious weeds and other pests.
  • Land disturbance and remediation.
  • Wildlife impact and mitigation.
  • Historical resource impact and remediation.
  • Noise and emissions generated by facilities, and by construction.

The AUC considers and weighs the approaches suggested or requested by affected landowners on the same topics. The AUC encourages agreement between utility developers and landowners, where and when it can be reached.

In its decisions the AUC sets out conditions that must be met by the utility firm around construction and maintenance of their lines and facilities. Breaches of these conditions, and general concerns about the operation or state of utility infrastructure can be reported to the AUC.

The AUC will investigate alleged breaches and may choose to take steps to encourage corrective action, including voluntary action. When needed, the remedy could be set out in an AUC order.

The AUC has broad and discretionary powers to order that projects be suspended pending remedy of shortcomings that violate an AUC decision, rule, order, or provincial legislation or regulation.

The AUC also conducts public information sessions ahead of, or concurrent with, applications for utility development to ensure landowners, local municipalities and other parties are aware of and informed about applications and understand their opportunities to participate in the AUC proceeding process.

Applicants are required to consult with local landowners and municipalities which may be affected by the proposed project. Applicants and the AUC are required to provide broad notice to residents of an area around projects proposed for that area.

If a landowner believes that an electrical facility owner or service provider has not complied with Alberta’s utility legislation, or an AUC decision order or rule, they may email to investigate and lodge a complaint.

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