ACT environment

Alberta Utilities Commission​ rules and reporting ensure that standards are met and deficiencies are corrected.

The AUC directs regulated service providers, electric distribution utilities and gas distributors to report on various financial and operation measures. The AUC reviews reports submitted to improve efficiencies and ensure compliance with rules, standards and to track compliance with decision directions and conditions.

Service quality and reliability plans, finance and operations reports, and annual electricity date reports are available on our website. Additional reports, including compliance reports for the code of conduct and inter-affiliate agreements, as well as financing agreements, can be found in the eFiling System but have been duplicated and provided on this website.

Accessing reports through the AUC’s eFiling System

The eFiling System is a web-based electronic filing tool primarily used to manage, search and upload documents which are used by the Commission to review and consider applications filed through the syste​m.

The first step to utilizing the eFiling System from the AUC website is to set up a user account. Users have a choice between an organizational account or an individual account. Information on how to navigate the eFiling System can be found in the eFiling System Basics Brochure or the AUC’s eFiling System Account Setup video.

​Once logged in to the eFiling System click on the Reporting link (shown below) and sort and review the reports by any, or all, of the headings such as report type, date, submitter, year and reporting period.

