ACT environment

The AUC has a cost recovery process for people or groups that are considered to be local interveners, as defined in Section 22 of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act. Under Rule 009: Rules on Local Intervener Costs, a local intervener can apply to the Commission for reimbursement of costs incurred in a proceeding by filing a costs claim.

When deciding whether to award a local intervener costs and the amount of costs it will approve, the Commission considers a number of factors including whether the information brought forward by the local intervener contributed to a better understanding of the issues raised in the hearing. The Commission will also consider if the costs claimed are consistent with its scale of costs.

More information on eligibility for local intervener costs can be found in Rule 009.

The costs index includes the following categories of decisions starting from 2011:

  • Contribution
  • Scale of costs
  • Excessive time
  • Consultant fees
  • Legal fees
  • Interim costs/advance funding
  • No reductions

Decisions for reference