ACT environment

The Small Scale Generation Regulation enables distribution connected electricity generation from renewable and alternative sources to supply electric energy to the grid or within an isolated community. To become a small scale generator, an individual must apply to their distribution owner to get approval to connect and operate a generating unit that meets the criteria set out in section 1(1)(g) of the Small Scale Generation Regulation, including size of unit and generation source (total nameplate capacity cannot exceed distribution system hosting capacity at interconnection point and must be renewable or alternative energy). Small scale generators may apply to the Commission to be qualified as a community generating unit where the unit is subject to a community benefits agreement or a community benefits statement. ​

The issues typically considered in small scale generation facility decisions include:

  • Whether small scale generation criteria met – whether power plant meets Small Scale Generation Regulation criteria.
  • Consultation – includes adequacy, scope of consultation with landowners, other interested parties.
  • Property impacts – includes property value, agricultural impacts, business impacts, future development impacts.
  • Uncontested – applications with no outstanding objections, or objections were received and the AUC determined that the parties did not meet the test for standing.

Decisions for reference​