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​​​​Rule 002 related information

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Rule Rule 002:

Service Quality and Reliability Performance Monitoring and Reporting for Owners of Electric Distribution Systems and for Gas Distributors

Effective date

December 17, 2020


Rule 002 sets out the reporting requirements for owners of electric distribution systems and for gas distributors and was put in place to set minimum performance standards of service quality and reliability for owners of electric distribution systems and gas distributors to facilitate the monitoring of performance in relation to those standards.

The AUC regularly reviews Rule 002 and initiates consultation with stakeholders to ensure consistency in reporting metrics, to standardize the reporting format and to streamline the reporting process.

Consultation on this rule primarily involves engagement from representatives of companies who are responsible for reporting the metrics required in the rule. Consumer groups are also invited to participate.​​​

Performance measurement standards include:

  • Reporting on customer meter reading and billing accuracy.
  • Tariff billing accuracy between distribution system owners and the retail service provider.
  • Work completion performance measures.
  • Worker safety performance measures.
  • Interruption duration and frequency thresholds.
  • Post-final adjustments processed by month in accordance to Section 5 of Rule 021 for electricity service.

Customer service standards set by this rule include:

  • Overall minimum requirements for customer satisfaction as measured by an annual survey of customers.
  • Customer satisfaction related to customer-initiated contact with the service provider.
  • Standards for average service disruption and duration of outages.
  • Meter reading service standards.
  • Customer appointments service standards.
  • Emergency response service standards.
  • Expectations for average phone call answering standards.

Reports are submitted using a template on an annual and quarterly basis.


Rule 002 reporting template for gas distributors

​Previous versions

​Previous ​versions of this rule and related bulletins can be found in the consultations library. Sort by topic (Rule 002​) and by document type to find the information you are looking for.

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Service quality and reliability plans