ACT environment

​​​​Rule 012: Noise Control

Related information
Rule Rule 012:

Noise Control

Effective date

March 5, 2021


​Rule 012 sets out requirements for noise control for facilities under the jurisdiction of the AUC​. These include the permissible sound level to be met and the manner in which the permissible sound level is calculated. The filing of a noise impact assessment is required when applying to construct or alter a facility to show that the facility will meet the permissible sound level. The rule also provides an avenue for​ the submission of noise complaints relating to a facility and the process for addressing noise complaints.​


Noise complaint investigation forms (part 1 and part 2)

Noise impact assessment summary form

​Previous versions​

​Previous versions of this rule and related bulletins can be found in the consultations library. Sort by topic (Rule 012) and by document type to find the information you are looking for.