ACT environment

​​Rule 017: Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with AUC

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Rule Rule 017:

Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with AUC

Effective date

November 6, 2020​


Rule 017 sets out the consultation and filing requirements for the development, amendment or removal of ISO rules. The rule requires the Alberta Electric System Operator (independent system operator or ISO) to engage market participants, the Market Surveillance Administrator and other interested parties (stakeholders) when an issue requires the development of an ISO rule and prior to submitting a draft ISO rule to the AUC for its consideration. The rule also includes the consultation and filing requirements for expedited ISO rules.​

Related information

Market rules and reliability standards

​Previous versions

​​Previous versions of this rule and related bulletins can be found in the consultations library.