ACT environment

Proceeding 28587  Register

Commencement of virtual hearing: June 17, 2024

Decision expected: Winter 2024


Watch an AUC hearing


The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), the independent utilities regulator, will be holding a hearing to review the applications and submissions received to consider the power plant development applications in Proceeding 28587. The AUC issued a notice of a hearing on January 25, 2024.

Acestes Power ULC has applied to construct and operate a 24-megawatt solar power plant, designated as the Westlock Solar Project, and to connect the power plant to the FortisAlberta Inc. distribution system under the Hydro and Electric Energy Act. The project would be located on the northwest and southwest quarters of Section 17, Township 60, Range 26, west of Fourth Meridian, on approximately 220 fenced acres of privately owned, cultivated land, approximately two kilometers north of the town of Westlock.

Further information about the proceeding is available through the AUC’s eFiling System under Proceeding 28587.

Hearing information

The AUC will be holding a hearing to review the application and submissions received in Proceeding 28587. The hearing will commence on June 17, 2024, at 9 a.m.

To learn more about the review process, or for more information about how you may become involved in this proceeding, please contact us or visit the following webpages:

Summarized process schedule

The AUC has established the following process to consider the applications:

Process step Date
AUC information request to Acestes – round 1 December 7, 2023
Acestes information response to AUC information request – round 1 December 19, 2023
AUC information request to Acestes – round 2 January 22, 2024
Acestes information response to AUC information request – round 2 January 29, 2024
Interveners’ deadline to make information requests (questions) to applicant February 29, 2024
Information session – Westlock Solar Project Power Plant and Interconnection March 8, 2024
Applicant’s deadline to respond to information requests March 14, 2024
Interveners’ written evidence deadline March 25, 2024
Applicant’s deadline to file additional evidence May 3, 2024
Interveners’ deadline to respond to additional evidence May 21, 2024
Applicant’s reply evidence deadline June 4, 2024
Commencement of hearing June 17, 2024, at 9 a.m.

The eFiling System​

The eFiling System should be accessed to view the applications and the other documents the AUC will be considering in this proceeding. The system is also used to file submissions and evidence to participate in the proceeding.

To create an account, select “New account” and follow the steps to create a user ID and password. If you have any questions about how to use the system please contact us at or 310-4AUC.

Documents being considered in this proceeding can be found in the eFiling​ System (which requires log in). Once you have logged in, enter 28587 in the “go to” section at the top left corner of your screen.​

Westlock Solar Project Power Plant and Interconnection