ACT environment

​​Rule 027: Specified Penalties for Contravention of Reliability Standards

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Rule Rule 027:

Specified Penalties for Contravention of Reliability Standards

Effective date

April 17, 2024


Participants in the Alberta Interconnected Electric System must comply with reliability standards determined by the Alberta Electric System Operator and approved by the AUC. Alberta reliability standards are based on reliability standards developed by the North American Reliability Corporation and ensure the reliable operation of the Alberta Interconnected Electric System and increases the reliability of the entire North American grid. If the Market Surveillance Administrator identifies issues where market participants are not complying with the reliability standards, the Market Surveillance Administrator can issue a notice of specified penalty for the contravention of a reliability standard. Rule 027 sets out the requirements for issuing a penalty to a market participant and includes a table specifying the applicable penalty based on the nature and the severity of the contravention.

The public notice of the penalty and self-reporting forms be posted on the Market Surveillance Administrator on the compliance section of its website. ​

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Market rules and reliability standards

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