ACT environment

The Market Surveillance Administrator investigates complaints about unfair price setting and energy market manipulation. It watches the open and competitive energy markets and brings allegations of market wrongdoings before the Alberta Utilities Commission.

The Alberta Utilities Commission considers allegations and complaints made about utility market manipulation and unfair pricing through a tested and thorough review process. It is a fair process that considers whether the spi​rit and intent of Alberta’s Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation and Electric Utilities Act was observed in its actions. In decisions about market manipulation, the AUC considers these questions in an open proceeding:

  • Were competitors restricted or prevented from providing a competitive response to actions taken?
  • Did it manipulate market prices away from a competitive market outcome for its own benefit?
  • Did it allow energy trading based on insider information to occur?

Any anti-competitive behaviour can result in significant penalties, as outlined in Rule 013, to both the company and individuals found guilty of contravention of Alberta’s Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation. This may result in of up to $1 million per day per offense, plus a disgorgement of any financial gain or profit from the contravention, and to assign costs of the proceeding.

Complaints about the independent system operator (Alberta Electric System Operator) or Market Surveillance Administrator

Any person can make a written complaint to the Commission about the conduct of: